Category Archives: Activism in general

non-Muslim activism relevant for the research

Report: Islamophobia in Europe

Two weeks ago the European Islamophobia Report was published by SETA, a Turkish think thank. According to the report (executive summary)

Islamophobia or anti-Muslim racism poses a growing threat to the democratic foundations of European constitutions and social peace as well as the coexistence of different cultures throughout Europe. Both civil society actors and states should acknowledge the seriousness of this issue and develop concrete policies to counter Islamophobia.

There is a general report and a long list of country reports including the Netherlands. Continue reading Report: Islamophobia in Europe

Campagnefilm CTID ‘Islamofobie niet accepteren, maar melden’

Op 10 maart jongstleden heeft het Collectief Tegen Islamofobie en Discriminatie (CTID) de campagne: ‘islamofobie: niet accepteren, maar melden!’ gelanceerd tijdens een bijeenkomst in de Badr moskee in Amsterdam. Deze campagne is een samenwerking tussen CTID, politie Amsterdam, het College voor de Rechten van de Mens, het Meldpunt Discriminatie Regio Amsterdam (MDRA) en het Meldpunt Internetdiscriminatie (MiND).

Onderdeel van de campagne zijn onder meer een flyer en een folder en een nieuwe campagnefilm. De film is gemaakt door Buurttelevisie met subsidie van de gemeente Amsterdam en de Open Society Foundation. De film is hier te zien: Continue reading Campagnefilm CTID ‘Islamofobie niet accepteren, maar melden’

#HelloIamaMuslim – European action for understanding and empathy

Yesterday the European Milli Görüş organisations organized a public manifestation in several European countries. Milli Görüş is one of the largest European Muslim organisations and has strong ties to organisations in Turkey. They had a similar action last year ‘Allow me – I am Muslim’ distributing roses (but apples in Vienna) in several European cities.
#GestattenMuslim #HelloIamaMuslim #BuyrunBenMüslümanım #hallowijzijnmoslims
Continue reading #HelloIamaMuslim – European action for understanding and empathy

Dutch mosque responds to fire bomb attack: ‘Dear Fire Bomber’

Almost a week ago someone tried to fire bomb a Dutch mosque in Enschede. Fortunately only minor damages and the perpetrator was caught and charged with attempted arson with terrorist intent. This Friday the mosque responded with an open letter on its Facebook page. Here is the text (my translation)

Dear fire bomber,
Continue reading Dutch mosque responds to fire bomb attack: ‘Dear Fire Bomber’

Lived Islamophobia – “Do you know who I am?”

What does it mean to be a Muslim in the context of violent attacks, fear and Islamophobia? After the attacks in Paris there has been a rise in attacks against Muslims in the UK ranging from verbal abuse to a petrol bomb in a mosque. The online magazine Dazed has made a film “Do you know who I am?” in which young Muslims share their experiences with Islamophobia and the influence it has on their sense of home, belonging and identity and their expectations of the future. Continue reading Lived Islamophobia – “Do you know who I am?”

Dutch Report: Muslim Women Bear the Brunt of Islamophobic Violence

“Report Islamophobia”, an independent Dutch citizen initiative established in January 2015, released its first half-yearly report on islamophobic violence in the Netherlands today. The report presents findings collected between January – June 2015. The findings mirror research conducted elsewhere in Western Europe that reveals that Muslim women bear the brunt of islamophobic abuse. Continue reading Dutch Report: Muslim Women Bear the Brunt of Islamophobic Violence

Meld Islamofobie: Moslima’s slachtoffer van islamofoob geweld gepleegd door witte mannelijke daders

Islamofoob geweld viert hoogtij

12239648_1718633558354877_6985028008584760553_nIslamofoob geweld viert hoogtij in Nederland, dat blijkt uit het rapport van Meld Islamofobie. Continue reading Meld Islamofobie: Moslima’s slachtoffer van islamofoob geweld gepleegd door witte mannelijke daders

Dutch Chaplain Ali Eddaoudi Seeks to Build Transnational Network of Muslim Army Chaplains

Ali Eddaoudi is the first Dutch army chaplain. He is visiting his counterparts in Canada and the United States to build a network that aims to help in countering the message of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to find ways to work together in ‘normal settings’. Continue reading Dutch Chaplain Ali Eddaoudi Seeks to Build Transnational Network of Muslim Army Chaplains