Category Archives: the Netherlands

Meld Islamofobie: Moslima’s slachtoffer van islamofoob geweld gepleegd door witte mannelijke daders

Islamofoob geweld viert hoogtij

12239648_1718633558354877_6985028008584760553_nIslamofoob geweld viert hoogtij in Nederland, dat blijkt uit het rapport van Meld Islamofobie. Continue reading Meld Islamofobie: Moslima’s slachtoffer van islamofoob geweld gepleegd door witte mannelijke daders

Dutch Chaplain Ali Eddaoudi Seeks to Build Transnational Network of Muslim Army Chaplains

Ali Eddaoudi is the first Dutch army chaplain. He is visiting his counterparts in Canada and the United States to build a network that aims to help in countering the message of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to find ways to work together in ‘normal settings’. Continue reading Dutch Chaplain Ali Eddaoudi Seeks to Build Transnational Network of Muslim Army Chaplains

#Strollingseries – Being black and Muslim

There is a really interesting short documentary series by Cecile Emeke called #Strollingseries. The makers take a stroll (in Dutch ‘wandelen’):

The Series — #strollingseries

‘Strolling’ is a short documentary film series created by Cecile Emeke where we take a stroll with people in various cities and countries around the world, having refreshingly raw and honest conversations about various issues at the forefront of their society. We touch on everything from feminism, sexuality, gender, race and politics to philosophy, art, history, capitalism, war and poverty and everything else you can think of.

I have been thinking about posting the films before, but it is the second episode that triggered me as relevant for our work and in particular for our thinking about developments among Muslims, racialisation, securitization and secularism. Continue reading #Strollingseries – Being black and Muslim

Ilhaam Awees: – Ongekend ضائعة في أمستردام

Samen met twee journalisten van RNW heeft Ilhaam Awees, één van de publieke gezichten van Wijzijnhier een video over haar ervaringen als ongedocumenteerde migrant. Zo wil Awees mensen confronteren met allerlei kwesties die betrekking hebben op de migratie en het migratiebeleid. De video is in korte tijd viraal gegaan en nu ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar. Continue reading Ilhaam Awees: – Ongekend ضائعة في أمستردام

Dutch Muslims distribute 15.000 Qurans on King’s Day

Tomorrow, 27 April, it is King’s Day in the Netherlands; the annual festivities celebrating the king’s birthday. A group of Muslims has planned to distribute 15.000 Qurans on this day in several cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Den Haag.

Continue reading Dutch Muslims distribute 15.000 Qurans on King’s Day

BBC Radio Documentary on Dutch Muslims

Anna Holligan learns how the fear and loathing is being fuelled by the growing numbers of young people who are leaving the Netherlands to join the jihad in Syria. Many accuse the mayor of ‘selling out’ to the Western establishment and abandoning the young people who are now being forced to defend their faith. At the heart of this tension are what are known as ‘commuter-Imams’ – faith leaders who come to Holland but are accused of doing little to encourage Muslims to integrate into wider Dutch society.

Continue reading BBC Radio Documentary on Dutch Muslims