Monthly Archive: October 2009

Yearbook of Muslims in Europe 1

Yearbook of Muslims in Europe

The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe will provide an up-to-date account of the situation of Muslims in Europe. Covering 37 countries of western, central and south-eastern Europe, the Yearbook will consist of three sections. The first section presents a country-by-country summary of essential data (incl. NL) with basic statistics with evaluations of their reliability, surveys of legal status and arrangements, organizations, etc. providing an annually updated reference source. The second section will contain analysis and research articles on issues and themes of current relevance written by experts in the field. The final section will provide reviews of recently published books of significance.

Openingsconferentie LUCIS Leiden 1

Openingsconferentie LUCIS Leiden

Het ‘Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society’ (LUCIS) is een samenwerkingsverband van Leidse wetenschappers uit verschillende faculteiten die zich vanuit verschillende vakgebieden bezighouden met islam en moslimsamenlevingen. De expertise van het LUCIS is gericht op het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika, Zuidoost-Azië waaronder Indonesië, alsmede op Nederland en het Westen. Woendag 14 oktober 2009 is de openingsconferentie.

Closing the week 41 0

Closing the week 41

A weekly round up of writings on the Internet, some relevant for my research, some political, some funny but all of them interesting (Dutch/English). (As usual to a large extent based upon suggestions from Dutch, other European, American and Middle Eastern readers. Thank you all.)

Why young people radicalize 2

Why young people radicalize

Two researches on radicalization show that when particular aspects of people’s life are perceived as unjust this is likely to result in muslim radicalism and rightwing extremism. Together with sensitivity for personal uncertainty and group threats this can easily lead to externally oriented negative emotions (such as anger) and intentions to engage in radical and even violent behavior. Socio-economic disadvantage and political factors, along with historical grievances, play a part in the development of radicalized collective action.

Weg met de integratie 14

Weg met de integratie

Als er iets vanzelfsprekend lijkt in alle discussies over moslims dan is het wel dat zij moeten integreren. Integratie wordt over het algemeen gezien als iets dat goed is, maar is verworden tot een totalitair systeem waarin iedere eigenheid van migranten moet worden weggewerkt. Wetenschappers staan vaak vooraan om de overheid van advies te dienen over het integratiebeleid waarmee we eigenlijk kritiekloos het hele integratieparadigma reproduceren én legitimeren. Misschien is het tijd om dat niet meer te doen? Misschien is het tijd om allochtonen te adviseren vooral niet teveel in dit land te investeren? Waarom zou men immers?

Closing the week 40 0

Closing the week 40

A weekly round up of writings on the Internet, some relevant for my research, some political, some funny but all of them interesting (Dutch/English). (As usual to a large extent based upon suggestions from Dutch, other European, American and Middle Eastern readers. Thank you all.)