Daily Archive: January 17, 2011

Dutch blend – Islam, race, nationalism and buying local in the Netherlands 2

Dutch blend – Islam, race, nationalism and buying local in the Netherlands

Michael Billig coined the term ‘banal nationalism’ to direct our attention to the ways nationalism is quietly, invisibly and continuously reproduced in daily life rather then being overtly expressed. The idea of the nation is reproduced in ‘mundane’, ‘routine’ and often ‘unnoticed’ ways. In the public debates in the Netherlands the focus is usually on citizens conforming to the idea of a moral community. Sometimes however Dutch nationalism features ideas concerning race and nation. Commercial ads are very suited because they come directly in our homes and are often aired multiple times per evening during several weeks. Recent campaigns by dairy producer Campina and tea seller Pickwick reproduce the idea of the local by linking the idea of the nation with whiteness, authenticity and authochtony.