Monthly Archive: May 2011

Seminar Dynamiek van islamitische culturen 0

Seminar Dynamiek van islamitische culturen

De afdeling Islam & Arabisch van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen houdt vrijdag 13 mei haar jaarlijkse studiedag. Op deze dag zullen diverse onderzoekers van de afdeling vertellen over hun onderzoek. Aan het einde van de dag zal Dr. Samuli Schielke, Research Fellow Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)Berlijn, een lezing geven met als titel “Second thoughts about the anthropology of Islam, or how to make sense of grand schemes in everyday life”. In zijn lezing ontvouwt dr. Schielke een antropologische benadering voor het bestuderen van het dagelijks leven moslims op een manier die religie serieus neemt, maar mensen niet reduceert tot hun religiositeit.

Diyanet in Turkey and the Netherlands – Transnational politics and politicization of research 1

Diyanet in Turkey and the Netherlands – Transnational politics and politicization of research

The time that researchers could pretend to work in an academic bubble is definitively over, if it ever existed. Research plays a role in political processes and they are always part of specific power configuration. This is particularly clear in case of the research on Islam and Muslims in Europe. Doing research in the post 9/11 political climate about issues such as the place of Islam in European societies is caught up in a complex political and social web of opposing requirements and assumptions. In this article Thijl Sunier reflects upon his research on the Turkish Diyanet and its relation with the Netherlands understood against the background of fundamental changes in Turkish society.

Closing the week 18 – Round up Osama Bin Laden 1

Closing the week 18 – Round up Osama Bin Laden

A weekly round up of writings on the Internet, some relevant for my research, some political, some funny but all of them interesting (Dutch/English). (As usual to a large extent based upon suggestions from Dutch, other European, American and Middle Eastern readers. Thank you all.) This week featuring Osama bin Laden.

Strijd om de publieke ruimte – Hizb ut Tahrir op de Dam 0

Strijd om de publieke ruimte – Hizb ut Tahrir op de Dam

Vandaag organiseerde de organisatie Hizb ut Tahrir (HuT – Partij van de Bevrijding) een demonstratie ter ondersteuning van de opstanden in het Midden-Oosten in Amsterdam op de Dam waarbij mannen en vrouwen gescheiden waren. Deze actie in combinatie met de reacties erop zijn een prachtig voorbeeld van de politiek van de publieke ruimte.

Doing Anthropology 0

Doing Anthropology

Anthropologists have to analyze, reveal and understand people’s view of reality and how their practices are related to that. But what does that actually mean? What is it that anthropologists do? What is their research about? In a video, three members of MIT’s Anthropology Department, Stefan Helmreich, Erica James, and Heather Paxson, talk about their current work and the process of doing fieldwork.

Three days of the West – What is Westernization? 1

Three days of the West – What is Westernization?

Last week in the Netherlands we had, again, a debate on young asylum seekers. It was decided that a 14-year old Afghan girl could remain in the Netherlands although their asylum request had been rejected. One of the criteria that played a role in the recent decision to let them stay is that she is ‘westernized’ over the years. The criterium of ‘Westernization’ is not defined however. Service oriented as this anthropologist is, I have decided to look into the matter of Westernization a little more closer in order to come up with a definition.