Why many pleas for a Lutheran reform of Islam do not quite nail it

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1 Response

  1. Bert Erends says:

    Could a “Lutheran Reformation of Islam” be a metaphor for the development of Islam?
    The Christian reformation came with the Renaissance, where man began to discover himself, for the first time he discovered that the other could have a different perspective than himself, so that he could have a different perspective than the Catholic clergy.
    You might say that Christianity came with its reformation in its puberty: statues were destroyed and most sacraments were abolished. And adolescents are exposed to great temptations and can call Jews and Muslims devils.
    With the Renaissance, intellectual thinking also came to unfold, a thinking apart from the heart. Maybe a temptation too?
    In the twenty-first century, Christianity should grown into adulthood. For me that is the spiritual deepening of the contents of the Bible and the sacraments. That spiritual deepening, I wish for Islamic culture too. And people are working on that. I’m convinced that the revelations to Mohammed represent deep spiritual truths

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