Category: Guest authors

Citizenship Carnival: What is Integration? 1

Citizenship Carnival: What is Integration?

In this blog Nadia Fadil problematizes the concern of researchers with integration – to take it as a point of departure in order to understand the different connotations it invokes and imaginaries it touches upon. For more than simply figuring as a neutral analytical category, the term integration is also a highly contested and controversial concept – one that has been challenged and disputed.

Top 10 ignorant and/or racist statements by academics 1

Top 10 ignorant and/or racist statements by academics

In Academics one may expect to find openminded people. Zihni Özdil however realized that academics culture sometimes has quite a narrow spectrum. Especially in the ‘humanities’ field. Academics who are willing to listen to, let alone agree on, viewpoints that take established frameworks to task seem to be scarce. Together with others he has made a top 10 list of ignorant / racist remarks.