Terrorism and radicalization according to the AIVD

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2 Responses

  1. michael crain says:

    Dear Sir/Maám,

    After careful analysis, and at great personal risk, I have concluded the AVID employs one of three methods; none of which I can see as successful, except possibly in the imagination of the head of the leader of this organization. They are either too little, too late. Overkill and too late, or half-truth fabrication to manipulate the perception of those who authorize their budgets, and time is not an issue, expect if the new budget deadline is approaching. Their policy of “infiltration”, would, on the surface, border on plausible, if they did not miss the fact that sequential government license plate issuing marks every one of their cars with like/likened/similiar/pattern related numbers which, for practical purposes, makes a secret agency, not so secret, even very obvious, and in this objective party’s opinion, laughable, pathetic and simply stated, overly juvenile in the approach to internal national security. Their use of earphones, communications equipment and surveillance methods makes a tom and jerry cartoon appear sophisticated. If it were not for the AVID, the streets would be empty and deserted in the tradition of the current season, and it does not take a genius to see that they attempt to create as obvious and accepted, that which is, well, just not normal. So If you fool yourself into believing what you are doing is important, and you go about it in a way which is just not professional, efficient or carefully thought through, it becomes necessary to invent variables, factors and scenarios which add heightened drama and intensity to an otherwise unimportant situation which is only important in the imagination of one or a few, and communicated unreliably upon the senses of those who pull the strings, and authorize more marionette dancing. If the taxpayer knew how much time, effort and resources these AIVD people waste, there would be a scandalous embarrassment of an investigation into practices, which for practical purposes, would immediately just be denied, covered up and hidden, for ignorance on such a large scale is only possible, if the blind lead the blind, and then someone, say, the police, hold their hands over the eyes of the only people whose eyes work, and then make it illegal to look at anything not authorized, by lets say, the police, and then make it illegal to comment on what you have seen, if you did see it, and if you did manage to comment, which of course by being illegal, would make it impossible to communicate reliably, upon the senses, of anyone listening, who may be a puppet, and be made to dance unwillingly, purely because someone was yanking on your strings. Fortunately, people can still comment on behavior and activities which represent government and affect people, which misrepresent fact and represent fiction. The imagination of the top person must be so immense, the lines between reality and fantasy are so blurred, that they become unreadable, illegible and unrecognizeable, unlike a license plate. If it looks like poop, smells like poop and acts like poop, there is really no reason to taste it. Eetsmakelijk, Nederland. The AIVD is a supersize value meal….that noone can digest.

  1. August 25, 2009

    […] radical (but not the other way around I would add). One of the most striking findings is this one: C L O S E R » Blog Archive » Terrorism and radicalization according to the AIVD # A Moroccan national has been identified as a threat to national security because of his sympathy […]

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