C L O S E R – Land of Confusion

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7 Responses

  1. A voice of reason? Is the following issued by a voice of reason:

    “But what Ali did was take advantage of the anti-Muslim climate, conjure up a story that would play well with them, and exploit them for her own agenda.”?

    It’s a very biased, unreasonable view, absolutely in conflict with the facts. No reason here, Martijn.

    And then again: it’s not that people perceive islam and muslims because Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells us certain things about them. Islam has itself to thank for it’s negative image. We perceive it BY OURSELVES to be an intolerant religion and the root of quite some evils of this world.

  2. martijn says:

    Well her authority was/is partly based upon her story as a refugee, she could become big in an anti-Muslim climate, and she used all kinds of issues for her own agenda. Is that really shocking or biased and unreasonable? Hello, she is a politician and a very good one. Doesn’t mean that she is not genuine or not really worried about all kinds of issues, but of course she has to use it. If she didn’t she would never have been able to get things done.

    I think her role is much bigger then you think. Perhaps you should leave your ivory tower once in a while and talk with the people on the streets. Then you will hear and see what kind of authority she has.

    Of course the bad image of Muslims is not all a figment of our imagination; that is clearly stated in Sunny’s article. Next time I will warn Sunny, that a critical, slightly off balanced comment about Hirsi Ali, is not allowed because it makes the whole article immediately unreasonable.

  3. My ivory tower? MY ivory tower?

    I do nothing BUT talk to people in the streets. I don’t see what that has to do with the false accusation that Hirsi Ali ‘took advantage of the anti-Muslim climate’, like a cunning politician looking for a scapegoat to mobilise the people against.

    Everybody is allowed or should be allowed to write any damn bullshit they want. I just get very sad when a scientist calls this ‘a voice of reason’.

  4. martijn says:

    Now, now don’t get too excited over this comment. Why is it a false accusation? Hirsi Ali ís a cunning politician. I do not doubt that she is sincere as well, but to able to dominate the agenda of the islamdebate you have to be cunning and you have to able to mobilise people. For my part, I truly admire her for that. My criticism towards her, has also nothing to do with that, nor with her telling lies and her position as a Dutch citizen. In my opinion, she is Dutch, full stop.

    By the way it is a little hypocritical for you to attack that sentence only, as unreasonable. It is hypocritical from someone who labels ordinary muslim citizens as ‘Allah-Jugend’, from someones who cites with approvement someone else who wishes 2/3 of the Dutch population dead, or cites with approvement someones else who uses the comparison with Anne Frank and Auschwitz in this case.

    By the way, I actually think you have a very very derogatory stance towards Hirsi Ali. You portray yourself as the avant garde of Dutch society, the saved sect of Dutch society, the last of the mohicans of freedom of speech. Meanwhile you celebrate Hirsi Ali’s fate as a poor, defenseless victim of some ‘NSB’-hyena’s. Somewhat the same as many of her opponents also do. They view her as someone who is driven by uncontrolable demons from her past that have damaged her psychologically, so that she cannot do something else then she does. You all seem to forget that Hirsi Ali is a very capable and responsible agent, someone who is able to produce her own statements (that are certainly not victim like) and has her own agenda. By doing that, you can see yourself as moral superior to the Dutch NSB-ers (that is most of the rest of the population), but you silence one of the most remarkable politicians we ever had.

    So yes, again get out of your ‘ivory tower’ of like minded people and try to really find out why so many people are not supporting her at this moment, like any good journalist should do now instead of falling back at easy slogans relating to WW II, that will only confirm your ideas. And don’t get too excited, it really doesn’t suit you because I think deep down you are a nice person, just as I am 🙂

  5. I portray myself as the avant garde of Dutch society? Where did you get thát idea? I portray myself as an ordinary, simple Joe who is fed up with the suffocating political correctness that still has my country in it’s grip. I take a firm stance AGAINST the avant garde of Dutch society. The avant garde of Dutch society makes me nauseous.

    “It is hypocritical from someone who labels ordinary muslim citizens as ‘Allah-Jugend’”

    Ordinary muslim-citizens who issue threats, tell dirty lies about people who they don’t agree with, twist words, demonise, spout hate, say they’d rather live under a dictatorship that in a country where you may mock islam (but they stay here all the same – I guess they are really counting on laws against criticising and mocking islam). You call these people ordinary citizens, that means it’s very common for muslims to say and write and do these things.

    You speak to a lot of muslims on a daily basis, so you must be right. You just confirmed my worst fears.

    If THESE people are ordinary muslims, I have to say I don’t really want to live in a society with people like that. I consider them a grave threat to my freedom and the freedom of my children.

    About Hirsi Ali, it’s clear her sole purpose to enter the dirty world of politics is her conviction that something should be done about the political islam and the paralizing political correctness around islam. It’s pure, genuine idealism. She happens to be intelligent, charismatic and she happens to be the right woman on the right place at the right time. That’s not cunning, that’s just our luck. Or may be our luck anyway. Or should have been recognised by us as our luck. Which we didn’t. We chased her out of her house and out of our country. We would rather accomodate people who hate us and want to destroy us than someone who is sacrificing herself to help save ourselves.

    That cock and bull story about me believing her to be controlled by demons is just stupid. Never did I write or say anything to justify it. It’s outrageous to state I silence Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I voted for her, I supported her, I still support her. But the sheer overwhelming negativity with which she was treated, the blunt refusal to talk about what she was actually saying, to discuss that, to quit whining about the tone, and how she offended muslims, that’s more than any normal human can bear.

    For God’s sake, one of her best friends was slaughtered in the street by a muslim nutcracker, and the first reaction of our government was to bring up an archaic law against mocking religion. In other words: the victim had it coming, because he mocked islam and muslims. In the months that followed, you could hear people say all the time that O yes, it was a horrible murder, but Van Gogh DID go too far.

    Hirsi Ali has been chased away from Holland, by treacherous, cowardice hyenas indeed. Puny people who want to pretend there’s nothing wrong, that everything will be alright, and who will not allow people to say otherwise.

    And YES, I feel morally superior that those hyenas. I am a better human being than those ‘ordinary muslim citizens’. I allow people there freedoms, I don’t threaten, I abhor violence, I will defend the right of people to speak their mind even if I find their ideas abject. I would never try to have a threatened woman evicted out of her house. I can not IMAGINE what kind of person you would have to be to do something like that.

    If people like that call me uncivilised, that I consider that to be a compliment.

    And of all the people in the world I think I am the one best qualified to decide what does and does not suit me.

    About the NSB-mentality: it’s not necessarily a reference to WWII, although the NSB wás of course at it’s height in those days. But the NSB existed long befóre WWII, and the mentality, of turning in one’s neighbors to the authorities, of standing by and do nothing when people are threatened, that mentality has always existed and was always a characteristic of the Dutch. The Dutch are an opportunistic, cowardice, treacherous, slippery people. I am Dutch myself, so I am not enjoying saying this, but unfortunately, it’s the cold hard truth.

    About me wishing two thirds of the Dutch population dead: I guess you just missed the irony of me emphatically posing as a hypocrite.

  6. martijn says:

    Ordinary muslim-citizens who issue threats, tell dirty lies about people who they don’t agree with, twist words, demonise, spout hate,

    You mean just like you do here?

    say they’d rather live under a dictatorship that in a country where you may mock islam (but they stay here all the same – I guess they are really counting on laws against criticising and mocking islam). You call these people ordinary citizens, that means it’s very common for muslims to say and write and do these things.

    You speak to a lot of muslims on a daily basis, so you must be right. You just confirmed my worst fears.

    That ordinary Muslims are excercizing freedom of speech and the political incorrect ‘community’ cannot handle that?

    About Hirsi Ali, it’s clear her sole purpose to enter the dirty world of politics is her conviction that something should be done about the political islam and the paralizing political correctness around islam. It’s pure, genuine idealism. She happens to be intelligent, charismatic and she happens to be the right woman on the right place at the right time. That’s not cunning, that’s just our luck. Or may be our luck anyway. Or should have been recognised by us as our luck. Which we didn’t. We chased her out of her house and out of our country. We would rather accomodate people who hate us and want to destroy us than someone who is sacrificing herself to help save ourselves.

    In many cases you show a remarkable sense of being rational, in the case of Hirsi Ali, you completely loose that? How come? I agree with you, concerning driving her out of her house. It is ridiculous that we cannot a suitable place for her and others to stay.

    That cock and bull story about me believing her to be controlled by demons is just stupid. Never did I write or say anything to justify it.

    Perhaps you should read….the demon part I attributed to her opponents….

    It’s outrageous to state I silence Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I voted for her, I supported her, I still support her. But the sheer overwhelming negativity with which she was treated, the blunt refusal to talk about what she was actually saying, to discuss that, to quit whining about the tone, and how she offended muslims, that’s more than any normal human can bear.

    But you do silence her. In fact this is the perfect proof. Hirsi Ali has been, remarkably, strong the last week. You keep wining, but she continues as the strong woman she is.

    For God’s sake, one of her best friends was slaughtered in the street by a muslim nutcracker, and the first reaction of our government was to bring up an archaic law against mocking religion. In other words: the victim had it coming, because he mocked islam and muslims. In the months that followed, you could hear people say all the time that O yes, it was a horrible murder, but Van Gogh DID go too far.

    Yes, the government tried that. Did they succeed? No!

    I allow people there freedoms, I don’t threaten, I abhor violence, I will defend the right of people to speak their mind even if I find their ideas abject.

    No, you just create straw demon’s, call people NSB, Allah Jugend, without contributing anything to solutions we need.

    I would never try to have a threatened woman evicted out of her house. I can not IMAGINE what kind of person you would have to be to do something like that.

    I don’t know…just people who are scared that they and their loved ones, will be among the victims of an attack?

    The Dutch are an opportunistic, cowardice, treacherous, slippery people. I am Dutch myself, so I am not enjoying saying this, but unfortunately, it’s the cold hard truth.

    No they are not…they are just small bourgeois type of people, who want a nice family, nice career and a little bit of sunshine every now and then.

  7. As for the relationship between beauty and authority: yes, this is valid for men as well, but to a lesser extent. I agree that women get judged more harshly on their appearance than is the case with men, however, men get judged more harshly on certain character aspects than is the case with women. Nature is reasonably ‘fair’ in its distribution of cruelty, but that doesn’t mean she distributes everything symmetrically. 😉

    May I suggest Matt Ridley’s ‘The Red Queen’ as an excellent survey of (human) sexuality.

    Of course, biologists hold vastly different views on these issues than psychologists or sociologists. The adage ‘if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail’ is very much applicable to scientists as well :-).

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