Every person is a story – Women, Beliefs and Islam

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3 Responses

  1. Boutheina Matheson says:

    Dear All,
    It is very sad to see how much the concept of Islam i.e. recognition of Allah in everything in our selves and the universe has shrunk.
    he main and ultimate meaning of Islam is the love and compassion that fill our heart when we have recognised our place in this large puzzle, the reste is nothing but details, often confusion and misleading detail.
    Like a child opening her christmas present that get engrossed in the wrapping paper instead of looking at the content, her true present.
    We are extremely lucky and priviledged in the West as we can easiuly sort out the packaging from the real present. It is tru that from time to time we get caught out in commenting about the wrapping…but we should always remember the true gift is on the inside… sometimes the packaging is christianity, hinduism, Budhism, humanism…and many “isms”…
    But the gem is the recognition of Allah and our true and only purpose: His worship, throught love, that metaphysical love that can encompass the entire universe.
    Others can do all they want, the ultimate choice: to be distracted or not to be distracted is ours! The ultimate beauty of it all is that ALLAH knows exactly what is in our hearts. What we wear (hijab mijab stuff…is irrelevant, what men do or not is they business, if husband are bad they too will suffer from an unhappy union, anyway you do not have to be married, people can be horrible and judgemntal: change your social circle…there is ALWAYS a CHOICE, even in prison you have a choice (albeit limited). So let’s us TIME or our lifetime carefully it is our only capital. the day of judgement you will not be asked what your husband did nor what your neighbours and friends did but what YOU did… Be self full and concern yourself with what you do, the whole picture will clear and you will made healthy decisions with only ALLAH in mind. Best wishes, fi amani ALLAH.
    Dr Bouteina Matheson.

  2. There can be no islamic or qur’anic FEMINISM. because feminism by definition is an idiocy, seeing men as the enemy and the problem… Woman are no angel some are worst than some evil men.
    The problem is NOT men or woman but injustice , evil, haram in all itsa forms. So it is not islamic feminsm that will give us a cure but Islam alone, qur’an alone. Provinding it is understood correctly.
    This is the crux of the matter as most muslim do not know anything about Islam, letting their ego get between them and true altruistic compassionate submission to the Almighty…Our souls are neither male nor female though our physical envelops are..but this is of no big significance. At Aqidah level we are equal, we pray the same worship the same… wordly matters are different, and good too (no boredom) but wether we eat curry or roast beef, sushi or millet we are equal in value we are human, the best of creation, because capable of recognising and understanding our ultimate purpose: recognising ALLAH through HIS creation and WORSHIPING HIM. I am a woman and I am a muslim, i have no need of feminism or any other “ism” for that matter to liberate me, I see ALLLH my lord everywhere and al hamdulliah I realised that only I can oppress or liberate m,yself, and guess which one I chose?
    This realisation give me endless joy and satisfaction. I busy myself trying to recognise Allah’s attributes in his magnifiscent creation.
    I pray for you my sisters muslim, agnostic etc… to stop fighting shadows and take the time to meditate and ponder these issues, stop insulting/attacking men…you will realise that most have no axe to grind with you and do not wish you any harm. Many, like you, are trying to make sense of the world to… Peace to all. Islam=Peace the clue is the name, once we understand we automatically are at Peace. It is not a mere formula we throw at each other when we meet.
    Boteina MATHESON.

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