'Banned Frank' – A follow up on Anne Frank and the scarf

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8 Responses

  1. TigerHawk says:

    Curiously, I am more troubled by the Anne Frank image than the Christ image. After all, there are many Christian Palestinian Arabs, and they do make a good point — Nazareth is in modern Palestine. The imagery is a useful reminder of that.

    But the Anne Frank image, in light of the collaboration of the Palestinian Arabs with the Nazis, is deeply offensive.

  2. Amy Proctor says:

    I agree with TigerHawk even though I’m Catholic and a BIG Jesus fan.

  3. omernos says:

    Tigerhawk, I think what’s most interesting about this stencil is how differently people perceive it. As T-Stenciles themselves (original creators) refused to accompany it with any descriptions and left it for the viewers to decide on what’s the message conveyed.

    I personally see a lot in common between Anne Frank (as a victim of Nazis) and Palestinians (victims of Israelis) – they both been through hell, yet Palestinians are still going through it everyday and there aren’t any diaries by a Palestinian girl that been published widely around the globe regarding their experience and struggle with Israelis.

    Therefore I see it as a symbol to show similarities in both cases as well to send a subliminal message on how Israelis and the whole world condemn the holocaust yet they are not paying attention to the Massacres going on in Palestine – on yearly basis and they all overcome and get over it…

    Please understand that’s my own opinion so you’re completely entitled to disagree with me on so many levels 🙂

  4. Gabriele says:

    Dear TigerHawk

    I found disturbing that today everybody recalls the contacts that some ‘Palestinian’ leaders had with the Nazi and Fascist authorities, but omits another grim side of the dirty political battle for Jerusalem at that time.

    Both some Arabs and some Zionist leaders (the so-called Zionist-Revisionists) had contacts with the German Nazi and Italian Fascist regimes in an attempt to achieve the same goal: a nation for their people in the contended Holy Land.

    I have posted about this topic here
    I have also devoted a chapter to this discussion in my book Jihad Beyond Islam
    Best wishes

  5. sddsa says:

    You know what’s really disturbing..Anne Franke herself..God she was ugly..seriously

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