With Us or Against Us: The Rhetoric of the War on Terror at Yahya Birt
With Us or Against Us: The Rhetoric of the War on Terror at Yahya Birt With Us or Against Us: The Rhetoric of the War on Terror This essay offers an analysis of this...
An anthropology of Muslims in Europe - A modest attempt by Martijn
With Us or Against Us: The Rhetoric of the War on Terror at Yahya Birt With Us or Against Us: The Rhetoric of the War on Terror This essay offers an analysis of this...
Second Life is one of a growing number of virtual worlds in which you can log on, create a personality, and engage in all kinds of activities from working at an office, to shopping,...
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Islam Needs Radicals — In These Times By Mark Levine George W. Bush. Tony Blair. Silvio Berlusconi. Jacques Chirac. Along with most every Western leader, pundit and policymaker, they are frantically searching for the...
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i d e a n t: Open Ijtihad [The following presentation was made at the Los Angeles Latino Muslim Association’s annual meeting, April 16 2005.] Open Ijtihad: Technology and New Opportunities for Community Building...
Islam and Democracy: Perverse Charm of an Irrelevant Question is the title of the Inaugural lecture of Dr Asef Bayat as ISIM Chair at Leiden University On the occasion of the inaugural lecture of...
A very interesting article about Muslims in China: Islam with Chinese characteristics begins to take hold – World – www.smh.com.au Their long immersion in China and isolation from Muslim-majority countries has lent their practice...
alt.muslim – your muslim news community Islam In The West: The Threat Of Internal Extremism By Muqtedar Khan and John L. Esposito, February 17, 2005 The world has never been more interdependent, and the...
Guest Columns – Get in the thick of it Village Soup Oliver Roy for the Camden Conference: Radical Islam appeals to the rootless It is often assumed that the spread of Islamic radicalism is...