Category: Important Publications


Citizenship in education – Dutch Muslims in Islamic schools

Together with my colleagues Thijl Sunier and Jamal Ahajjaj, I have written a chapter “Activating Muslims: Citizenship in Dutch Islamic Schools” in the volume Difference and Sameness in Schools: Perspectives from the European Anthropology...


New book: Making Islam Work Islamic – Authority among Muslims in Western Europe

The development of Islamic landscapes in Europe, is first and foremost related to Islamic authority. Religious authority relies on persuasiveness and deals with issues of truth, authenticity, legitimacy, trust, and ethics with reference to religious matters. This study argues that Islamic authority-making among European Muslims is a social and relational practice that is much broader and versatile than theological proficiency and personal status. It can also be conferred to objects, activities, and events. The book explores various ways in which Islamic authority is being constituted among Muslims in Western Europe with a particular focus of the role of ‘ordinary’ Muslims.


CfP: Religion in Motion: Between Borders and Belonging

The biennial conference of the Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschappen (NGG) – the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion takes place on 1 – 3 November 2023, Radboud University Nijmegen. Religiosity and mobility have been topics of research and debate for scholars working with different theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary approaches. In this conference, we explore how the study of religion might be transformed through a focus on mobility in its various forms.