Category: Important Publications


An IS(IS) Reading List – Part One

I have compiled a short (well, that was the intention haha) reading list about IS(IS) and the politics that come with it. Mainly based upon recent work in the public domain I found these readings very helpful and inspiring for my own thoughts and work. If you have suggestions to add to the list, don’t hesitate and contact me.


New Book: Methods for the Study of Religious Change – From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies

A new book edited by André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp ‘Methods for the Study of Religious Change’ argues that the study of religion should focus on people’s worldview-making capacities and should contribute to the critical analysis of global problems and the promotion of cultural and spiritual respect across religions.

Junge Salafiyya-Anhänger suchen im Internet nach dem „wahren Glauben“ 0

Junge Salafiyya-Anhänger suchen im Internet nach dem „wahren Glauben“

Carmen Becker hat den Einfluss des Internets auf den Glauben junger niederländischer und deutscher Muslime untersucht, die der Salafiyya folgen. Am 9. September 2013 wird sie an der Nimweger Radboud Universität promovieren.