Category: Method


“Islands in a sea of disbelief” – Militant activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany

It took us six years, but I’m very pleased to announce that, at last, our book: Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany – ‘Islands in a sea of disbelief’ (Palgrave 2020)...


De institutionalisering van salafisme – Een bespreking

Auteurs: Martijn de Koning (Universiteit van Amsterdam / Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) Annelies Moors (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Thijl Sunier (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam) Ongeveer twee weken geleden promoveerde Mohammad Nazar Soroush op het proefschrift ‘Institutionele...


New Book: Methods for the Study of Religious Change – From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies

A new book edited by André Droogers and Anton van Harskamp ‘Methods for the Study of Religious Change’ argues that the study of religion should focus on people’s worldview-making capacities and should contribute to the critical analysis of global problems and the promotion of cultural and spiritual respect across religions.