Category: My Research


COVID19 and Muslims in the Netherlands 1 – Testing Muslims

The text below was my lecture at the annual symposium of the department of Islamstudies at Radboud University, 14 June 2021. In my presentation today I will focus in particular on the reactions among...


“Islands in a sea of disbelief” – Militant activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany

It took us six years, but I’m very pleased to announce that, at last, our book: Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany – ‘Islands in a sea of disbelief’ (Palgrave 2020)...


Nieuw boek: ‘Salafisme. Utopische idealen in een weerbarstige praktijk’

Salafisme. Utopische idealen in een weerbarstige praktijk dat ik heb geschreven met Joas Wagemakers en Carmen Becker verschijnt op woensdag 14 mei.