Category: My Research


Dutch constructions of ‘radicalisation’ and P/CVE policies – From the Dutch to the Broad Approach

Together with my colleague Maria Vliek I have published a chapter on the Dutch counterterrorism and counterextremism policies from the 1950s onwards. In this chapter, we trace the Dutch ‘broad approach’ to counterterrorism and extremism by focusing on the interaction between extremist groups, politics, public debate, and the subsequent development of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) policy and legislation.


Citizenship in education – Dutch Muslims in Islamic schools

Together with my colleagues Thijl Sunier and Jamal Ahajjaj, I have written a chapter “Activating Muslims: Citizenship in Dutch Islamic Schools” in the volume Difference and Sameness in Schools: Perspectives from the European Anthropology...


COVID19 and Muslims in the Netherlands 1 – Testing Muslims

The text below was my lecture at the annual symposium of the department of Islamstudies at Radboud University, 14 June 2021. In my presentation today I will focus in particular on the reactions among...


“Islands in a sea of disbelief” – Militant activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany

It took us six years, but I’m very pleased to announce that, at last, our book: Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany – ‘Islands in a sea of disbelief’ (Palgrave 2020)...