Category: Society & Politics in the Middle East

Background information and context regarding culture, economy, politics and religion in the Middle East.


Zeven organisaties van moslims presenteren Al Quds verklaring: ‘Nederland moet voortouw nemen tegen de straffeloosheid van Israël’

Zeven Nederlandse organisaties van moslims roepen het demissionaire kabinet op om de nodige economische, politieke en diplomatieke middelen in te zetten om Israël te dwingen het internationaal recht te respecteren. Hieronder volgt de integrale...


Academics for Repatriation – European families in the detention camps of northeastern Syria must be repatriated

About 200 academics call upon European countries to take immediate action to repatriate their nationals from the detention camps of northeastern Syria. Read the call here. The issue of repatriating European nationals who joined...