Gay Muslims in the UK

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5 Responses

  1. Julaybib says:

    A sociologist called Andrew Yip has taken a research interest on gay Muslims in the UK. One of his papers inspired my to write a piece about Gay Muslims for Muslim Wake Up in late 2004, which was also based on an interview with a member of Imaan:

    I think different groups do different things. Safra are much more tuned into social policy, whereas Imaan support community solidarity against Islamophobia. Their overall low key approach may reflect the fact that, as Yip points out, gay Muslims often come out to their families these days, but families’ acceptance depends to a large extent on their gay identity remaining within the family.



  2. Julaybib says:

    And by the way, Eye of Gay Muslims is homophobic!

  3. martijn says:

    Dear Yakoub,

    Thank you for the additional information; very useful.

  4. thanks for the heads up Martin, I’ll link it!

    huggy wuggy!

  5. Nur Jemal says:

    Thanks for the links, they are really informative!

    Keep up the good work…


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