Submission Part I: film van Theo van Gogh en Ayaan Hirsi Ali

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15 Responses

  1. ken says:

    Hirs Ali should criticize Netherlands first and then look at Islam.Islam gave economic rights to women 3 centuries before the west gave them any rights all.She must look at Dutch history and it’s bloody past under the Calvinists and other Protestant sects.I hope she knows what happened to Johanne De Witts brothers and how they were lynched and their bodies eaten by the mob.If Netherlands is today a liberal society,it did not happen in one day but it took a long time to arrive at this stage.

  2. Martijn says:

    Well actually I don’t care about the fact that she criticizes islam or the practices of muslims; in my opinion she has a right to that no matter how terrible (and the De Witt’s murders were awful to say the least) some Dutch practices were or are. My point is more that when she has some criticism, it should be correct. She insinuates that there is no criticism among muslims about domestic violence; that is so not true; there are large debates about this issues from (at least) the end of the eighties and probably even before.

  3. Masculinist says:

    First of all i would like to say to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, that you cannot be an ex-muslim. You either have faith and become a muslim or you are not one. Allah never gives up on us, people give up on him. For hundreds or years non-muslims have wanted the same respect we give our sisters. The issues of domestic violence are much worse in non-muslim countries. And as for the adultery, it is punishable by death, that goes for men and women, so there’s no sexism. Plus, its more of a threat than a punishment, as adultery does not occur very often in Islamic countries. Allah is the greatest, i believe Islam is the true religion, and any of its rules are to be followed for they have been made by God and there are good reasons for them.

  4. Ari says:

    Hirsi Ali, you don’t know what you are talking about. Islam is not a monster you should have a good look at how things are. You don’t judge Islam by the behaviours of one individual who happens to be moslem and does things that is not right by your standards. Indonesia is the biggest Moslem populated nation and we do not do things stated in your sick movie “Submission” There are no Ex-Muslims. You are either Muslim or Kafir. So stop harrasing Islam and the rules for something you don’t understand. Islam is the most democratic religion and also it ha contributed so much in means of science. If it werent for Islam.Europe would still be in the Dark Ages.
    Think about it.

  5. Iftikhar says:

    I think she didn’t want to marry the man chosen by her “family”. Rest of justification of it, a reaction!

  6. Iftikhar says:

    I think she didn’t want to marry the man chosen by her “family”. Rest is justification of it, a reaction!*********

  7. sonia says:

    Where can one get the movie?

  8. Tammy says:

    Don’t be fooled when a muslim says they had women rights long before the western world. Look it up for yourself and see. Shia’s have no rights for women. Saudi Arabia is the oldest place for the religon (Islam) still gives women no rights to vote or drive a car. Why do they lie about women having rights you might ask? Easy, they want you to think they are one step ahead of everyone else when in fact, they are 10 steps behind. Watch the film by Theo van Gogh our martyr. Click on “Watch Submission” at . Islam has never been a religion of peace. Since 1948 Islam has had more than 30 wars along with civil wars. Islam is in pieces but it has nothing to do with peace!

  9. Mari says:

    Hi all,
    I’m sorry for everyone who thinks that Islam discriminates against women. Why do almost all
    Europeans share the same thought. What do you really know about muslims, what do you know about the Koran? Do you really believe that your knowledge is sufficient to create an opinion? Do you really think that a religion of violence and unequal rights could exist for about 1500 years? Think about it and read about Islam. Your eyes may be opened one day and hopefully you will see the truth. The truth is no only for muslims, it’s for the whole mankind.

    By the way, PEACE… you will never find peace unless you are not willing to give him a chance.

  10. Nasrin says:

    I think that Ayan Hirsi is an uneducated and ignorant person.Has she forgotten that she is still Somali?She is dismissing Islam so that the Westerners can regard her as one of them. Unfortunately that will never happen.She is convinced that she will increase her political position by criticising Islam and the Quran. It is clearly obvious that she is so insecure and unhappy within herself that she attacks a peaceful religion like Islam.I feel sorry for her parents and relatives.They too probably wish that she was dead.

  11. mari says:

    I’m ashamed of this woman. She doesn’t have any respect. She is so awful, disgusting. I hate you …

  12. WH199 says:

    Islam provided women with many rights but the patriarchal societies of the Arab world have worked hard to pervert the religion in an effort to eradicate those rights. Consequently the Islam that many people see is not the true Islam and it is culture that is criticized. However, many uneducated Muslims cannot see beyond any criticizm of either the culture or the religion. The person who tried to defend Islam fails miserably because he ignores the concept of “Islam” that has been promoted by Saudi and the rest of the so-called Islamic world. Slitting Van Gogh’s throat shows how barbaric Muslims have become. Their tolerance level has diminished. Even the Prophet (PBUH) took many insults and then one day people themselves in awe of his non-violent stance (yes, read Armstrong’s books) converted to Islam. Contrary to what most Muslims and non-Muslims, Islam means peace and the key components are justice and tolerance. Having written and worked in areas of womens rights I have also received threats and these threats don’t come from “religious” people but semi-religious and recent coverts.

  13. jonh says:

    u see these jews are just trying defame islam the director once said that muslims are goatf***ers and now he wrtes this film. he deserved it may he be burned in the hell fuire

  14. anonymous says:

    for those of you who can read this I have done much research on your religion and your culture and to be honest it disgusts me to see how you men have elevated yourselves to the position of gods in your own household….it is saddening to see how you have used the Koran to your own selfish advantage…to think that to you a woman is no more than property to be obtained and cattle to be auctioned off to the highest bidder….if this video reveals the truth behind your women’s veils my heart goes out to Theo van Gogh…a man who chose to ignore the risks and expose such ugliness and sin. If this film provokes action by other countries against your culture let it be said ‘such should have taken place in days long past’…and my congratulations to a certain young woman who forsook her family and religion to save your endangered, tortured, muslim women.

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