Wilders on Trial (WoT) – part zero: outlining the case

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3 Responses

  1. VNCcommunicationcounsel says:

    Dear Martijn,

    I have to disagree, strongly, with your statement; “The freedom of speech is a secular freedom.” I am very interested in your motivation. I will give you, in a short and fast summary, my motivation for resisting your claim.

    It takes a strong blief in the one g.d, father of all his children, Lord of all humans, to generate a sense of equality amongst all people who, by this belief, are all siblings. Every society operates on the assumption that their in-group is ‘the’ humans and the out-group is not quite so.

    Christianity has taken this original, eccentric Judaic belief to its extremes whence it found its philosophical formula in the writings of Immanuel Kant: “Treat every human being as a goal in itself, never as a means to an end.” Or take several declarations of the rights of mankind and / or independence that all declare: “We believe that humans were created equal.” Belief is the crux.

    Without this basically christian philosophy and many others, there would have been no possibility for ethical and political revolutions that broke down feudalism, class society or old-fashioned liberalism. The ‘crusade in Europe’ against Nazism was not called so for no reason. Hitler and his ilk were taken on in the name of the cross/crux, that gross sign of human injustice calling all to be just and fair to one and all.

    Free speech was required by belief. J. Habermas recently tried to ground it in his theory of dialogue and failed miserably, because he overlooked the simple fact that the slightest unwillingness to enter into a dialogue destroyed all of his theory. Such unwillingness or the desire to make war can only be countered by a law, a severe law that is and can never be secular. “Thou shalt not kill” is a transcendental given, it and its consequences (like free speech) can not be man-made.

    I am sorry that I lack the time for a better essay in this short space and time. Yet I would really like to hear your arguments for the secular free speech thesis, either in these comments or in your anthropological writing.

    Kindly yours,
    VHJM van Neerven
    editor-in-chief VNCcc

  1. January 9, 2010

    […] C L O S E R » Blog Archive » Wilders On Trial (WoT) – Part Zero Then apparently Arabic people with signs are shown. The following texts can be read: “Islam will dominate the world” and “Freedom go to hell”. Then the following text appea… […]

  2. January 20, 2010

    […] I posted an outline of the court case against Dutch radical politician Geert Wilders. Tomorrow the trial will begin. A […]

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