Muslims and multiculturalism in the Netherlands – A Case of Cultural Masochism?

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5 Responses

  1. VHJM van Neerven, VNCcomunicationcounsel says:

    Dear Martijn,

    The following will go to The New York Times:

    Dear editor,

    I take issue with the writing of Mr. Vinocur. He has not taken the trouble to inform himself very well — or a hidden motive is at work in his writings. I don’t know.
    But let me try to set the record straight on two points that are extremely hurtful to immigrants and their descendants here in the Netherlands.
    Yes,Mr. Bolkestein’s remarks shocked the Netherlands, but not, I repeat: Not for the reasons quoted.

    In the first place, there is the fact that Mr. Bolkestein, not liberal but conservative as he is, started the public dissatisfaction with Islam and Islamic culture himself. Let me elaborate.
    Ours is a country where people of many religions and some different languages have succeeded in building a working society in the twentieth century. This has been a long road. Almost five centuries ago, the nation started out divided between, on the one hand, the first European republic and on the other hand an immense annex of Dutch, Flemish, African, Asian and Latin American colonies. It took more than four centuries to get all the warring religions, the colonizers and colonized, to find a modus vivendi without bloodshed and widespread discrimination. But it is a precarious balance on a tightrope to keep our peace. All these centuries, tensions have been just under the surface. The major way to deal with that has always been to gloss over the differences and unite around practical tasks at hand. Ideology was suppressed with pragmaticism, much as in the Unites States, I might add.
    Many years ago, for political gains, when his party was geting less and less influential on economic and social issues, Mr. Bolkestein saw fit to single out one of our many minorities and point his accusing finger at it. Ever since, we have had a public problem, rather a pubic relations problem, as many others followed his lead and heaped all the age-old tensions on one scapegoat: Islam and its believers. I have always considered this a very unethical action and a political prescription for disaster.

    Secondly: Yes, the Dutch know their disasters. But I take grave issue with: “… in the context of a national history in which almost the entire pre-World War II Jewish community of 150,000 was wiped out by the Nazis.” One notes that those same Jews to whom Mr. Bolkestein now says: “Leave!” are made part of the Netherlands’ “national history” by Mr. Vinocur. Very strange. The French occupation by Napoleon and his brother brought the Jews their civil liberties; certainly not the Dutch patriots. Just as the most recent German occupation brought the nation health insurance, a working model to combat social unrest between capital and labor and a greater sense of national identity. It is no stretch to say that these and other occupations have made the Netherlands the Netherlands as we know it now. But again, silence was the price. Dutch identity is built on forgetting. We must not forget.
    One should never assume that Nazism was a German affair. It was not, it was far and wide spread, it was Dutch, too.The Jews had called Amsterdam: Mokum Alef, “The First Place,” for centuries, thanks to the colonizers from here, in the rest of the world; and from France, in our country. There was a blossoming Jewish life and culture, but little thanks to the Dutch. Jewish, lives and culture were destroyed by “the”Nazis — only, “the” Nazis were as Dutch as they were German. Many, many Nazis were Dutch. Let it suffice to recall: That the trains to the collection, concentration and death camps were run by the Dutch Railways and their workers.; that the largest foreign contingent in the Waffen-SS was Dutch; that Anne Frank escaped the Germans and was betrayed by Dutch. Anti-semitism is as engrained in this society as it is all over the world. But ‘mum’ was the word; the others had done it, it wasn’t us!

    Mr. Vinocur repeats that myth of two generations but he does not see that Mr. Bolkestein’s remarks are so shocking because of what lies silenced under the myth. What really shocked the Netherlands was the return of the repressed, the knowledge that this country has never been kind to anyone not their kin. But that is exactly what became clear when Mr. Bolkestein, the anti-Islam agitator of lore, now stooped so low as to come out with his open anti-semitism. Once again, slyly the blame is shifted away from the Dutch, of course. Collaboration with the enemy just isn’t a popular subject. No, “we” never did it, “they” did. That same old myth again…

    I here state categorically: We did it, Germans and Dutch alike, Nazis and unpolitical disgruntled alike , our neighbors and so-called friends. And they are doing it again, killing both Jews and Muslems with one stone. Mr. Bolkestein plays the pipe, his pupil G.W. dances to the tune and the nation follows — again.

    This is our shock and our shame: That the great disaster is re-appearing on the horizon and that no-one clears a path away from another Sjoa.

  2. ecks why says:

    muslims do not assimilate into western society because islam is a theocracy and demands supremacy. there is no radical, moderate, hijacked or any other nuanced semanticism type of islam. there is only islam which is based on the life of a murdering 8th century warlord.

    the twin fogs of political correctness & ignorance must be dispersed before western society better understands this menace. even a brief review of islamic theology & history quickly exposes the deadly roots of this evil ideology.

    see the links in the pdf version below for more accurate info about islam

    islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

    5 key things about islam

    1. mythical beliefs – all religions have these (faith) because its part of being a religion: having beliefs without proof until after the believer dies. the problem is people will believe almost anything.

    2. totalitarianism – islam has no seperation of church and state: sharia law governs all. there is no free will in islam: only submission to the will of allah as conveniently determined by the imams who spew vapors to feather their own nests. there are no moderate muslims: they all support sharia law.

    3. violence – islam leads the pack of all religions in violent tenets for their ideology & history: having eternal canonical imperatives for supremacy at all costs and calling for violence & intimidation as basic tools to achieve these goals.

    4. dishonesty – only islam has dishonesty as a fundamental tenet: this stems from allah speaking to mohamhead & abrogation in the koran which is used to explain how mo’s peaceful early life was superseded by his warlord role later.

    5. misogyny – present day islam is still rooted in 8th century social ethics: treating females as property of men good only for children, severely limiting their activities, dressing them in shower curtains and worse.

    conclusions ??

    there really are NO redeeming qualities for this muddled pile of propaganda.

    islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.

    graphics version

    1 page pdf version – do file/download 6kb viewer doesn’t show fonts well, has better fonts header footer links, great for emailing printing etc

  1. January 8, 2011

    […] this denial by these intellectuals and politicians the way has … Here is the original:  Muslims and multiculturalism in the Netherlands – Share […]

  2. January 8, 2011

    […] C L O S E R » Blog Archive » Muslims and multiculturalism in the Netherlands – A Case of Cultura…. […]

  3. January 13, 2011

    […] and the Public Sphere in the Netherlands, I explore the culturalization of citizenship with the shifting modes of governance of minorities and the secular and the religious in the Netherlands duri…. This shift with a growing emphasis on cultural integration of migrants (focused on sexual and […]

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