Turning Point Pim Fortuyn Series 2 – Shit from Kollum and the racialization of migrants and Muslims

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1 Response

  1. Beste Martijn,

    It seems to me that your point-wise characterization of racialisation straightaway answers a question you posed earlier in the essay (right above the paragraph
    “Fortuyn and ‘our way of life’”
    The question you posed:
    “In particular if he says that ‘race’ is the operative word as it difficult to see ‘race’ without racism or does it mean that, according to him, racism is the consequence of thinking in ‘races’ instead of ‘race’ as the product of racism?”

    In your pointed description you answer positively, imho, to the first possibility named in the question: ‘Yes, racism is the consequence of thinking in ‘races’”
    In other words, race is an empty idea without reality, “flatus vocis’ as the Old Ones called it.

    Rightfully, you’ve put races in single parenthesis. Thinking in races may be precise enough and to a degree useful in biology and palaeontology. But beyond these, no.

    Which leaves us with a problem: if the term race is empty in modern thought and anthropology, then what meaning is left in ‘‘race’ as the product of racism'”? Both terms, after all, need the same cautionary parentheses and, as far as I think, should simply be stricken form modern speech and writing just like “the aether” is no longer a medium that fills teh world but, written “ether” a medicine and a solving-welding fluid.

    Politely yours,
    VHJM van Neerven ss.tt.

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