Category: ISIM/RU Research

House of Glass – New publications by Al-Maqdisi 1

House of Glass – New publications by Al-Maqdisi

Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi was not only the mentor and teacher of Al-Zarqawi but his texts also played a major role in several Dutch jihadi circles, in particular that of the Hofstad network. The murderer of filmdirector and writer Theo van Gogh translated several texts of Al-Maqdisi such as Millat Ibrahim. Al-Maqdisi has presented a new book and an essay (the latter has been translated into English). In the essay he criticizes the pope and the book is dedicated to, among others, the pope and Geert Wilders.

MOI Lezing: Cartoons, minorities, freedom of speech and self-censorship in Denmark – Jørgen S. Nielsen 0

MOI Lezing: Cartoons, minorities, freedom of speech and self-censorship in Denmark – Jørgen S. Nielsen

The representation of religion in the public sphere can bring about major debates and conflicts. In the Netherlands, the limits of free speech and Dutch tolerance are to be tested in a court case after judges ruled that a right-wing MP Geert Wilders who compared the Koran to Mein Kampf and last year released the film Fitna, should be put on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination in his speeches. Similar issues can be found in other cases such as the “Muhammad Cartoons in 2005/2006. The Dutch Association for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (MOI) invites you to attend a lecture that will address the issues of freedom speech, self-censorship and the representation of religion: “Cartoons, minorities, freedom of speech and self-censorship in Denmark” by Jørgen S. Nielsen.

Het glazen huis – Al Maqdisi Jihadi Controverse en nieuwe publicatie 27

Het glazen huis – Al Maqdisi Jihadi Controverse en nieuwe publicatie

Abu Mohammed al-Maqdisi is een Jordaans-Palestijnse islam-geleerde. Hij is één van de meest invloedrijke jihad-theoretici en ideologen van de mondiale jihad. Zeer recent heeft hij een nieuw boek gepubliceerd: Man Kana Baytahu min Zujaj fa-la Yarmi ghayrahu bi-Hajar – Qira’a wa-Ta’ammul fi Asfar al-‘Ahd al-Qadim wa-Muqarana bayna Akhbariha wa-bayna l-Qisas al-Qur’an al-‘Azim (Wie een huis van glas heeft moet een ander niet met stenen bekogelen – Een lezing en beschouwing over de boeken van het Oude Testament en een vergelijking tussen zijn boodschap en de verhalen van de geweldige koran). Het mag een opvallend boek genoemd worden dat is opgedragen aan onder meer Geert Wilders en Theo van Gogh.

Dar al 'Ilm – Het nationale Islam Congres 3

Dar al 'Ilm – Het nationale Islam Congres

Het Instituut voor Islam Studies Dar al Ilm (Huis van de Kennis) organiseert op 16 mei in Amsterdam het Nationale Islam Congres. Zowel mensen als Khalid Yassin, Bilal Phillips, Haitham al-Haddad als Maurits Berger, Henk Vroom en ondergetekende zullen aanwezig zijn evenals Nederlandse moslims binnen en buiten de salafisten beweging. Onderwerpen als de rol van de islamitische organisaties, de jongere generaties, leiderschap, islam in de media en de publieke ruimte, rol van de shari’a raden en shari’a in Nederland, islamitische comedy, gemeenschapsvorming, islamitisch bankieren, da’wah (missie) en dialoog, moslimvrouwen en activisme, zullen aan bod komen. Er is een apart academisch congres over salafisme.

Support for Ramadan and army chaplain Ali Eddaoudi 1

Support for Ramadan and army chaplain Ali Eddaoudi

Tariq Ramadan and newly appointed army chaplain Ali Eddaoudi have been the topic of controversy due to statements they did (or did not) made in the past. Ramadan has been exonerated by an investigation of the city of Rotterdam and both men receive, besides much criticism, also (online) support by websites dedicated to their cause.

Studying Jihadism – The Jihad Recollections I 0

Studying Jihadism – The Jihad Recollections I

Fursan Media has released a new English language Jihadist magazine: Jihad Recollections I. Analyzing such a magazine and Jihadi thought in general, should not only focus on the religious and or political content of the magazine (and the grievances that ‘make’ people resort to Jihadism). They do matter but they should be contextualized by studying the (daily) lives of people producing it and consuming it.

Tariq Ramadan controversy: Moulding Muslim leaders 1

Tariq Ramadan controversy: Moulding Muslim leaders

Even if Ramadan made all those controversial statements, why wouldn’t he be the right man for a dialogue? In fact it appears now that the frequent attacks on him are more dangerous for his position as a person for dialogue than his statements. In particular because he is not only under attack from Dutch secularists and anti-islamists but also from radical groups who oppose his cooperation with Dutch authorities and his statements about homosexuality and his call for a moratorium on corporate punishment. According to these critics Ramadan sells himself to the Dutch authorities which inevitable means that he will have to adjust (in their view dilute) the Islamic message. Their interpretation seems to be correct due to this controversy.

Religie en het publieke domein 0

Religie en het publieke domein

Afgelopen week werd het rapport religie en het publieke domein gepresenteerd. Dit rapport, samengesteld door het Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek (IPP) en het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, heeft als doel de juridische grenzen van de scheiding kerk-staat weer te geven en roept in feite gemeenten op hier pragmatisch mee om te gaan.