Invitation to join network on ‘Muslim Marriages’
Recently the ERC has funded a research project with the title ‘Problematizing “Muslim marriages”: Ambiguities and Contestations’ (see summary below) at the University of Amsterdam. In our project description we use the term ‘Muslim marriages’ in a broad sense, both as it emerges in public debate and as a form of marriage that at least one of the parties concerned considers as Islamically valid.
The project will include a number of post-doc and PhD positions as well as possibilities to participate in seminars and conferences. To start with, we are setting up a network of researchers who are interested in the topics this project addresses. Please note that we would also like to hear from researchers active in other regions than those mentioned in the project summary.
We would very much appreciate if both senior and junior colleagues interested in joining the network would fill in the form below. We will then keep you informed about our plans and activities.
Please forward this also to others you may know who work in this field.
Thanks a lot!