Jaafar Alloul holds an MA in Middle East Studies from the Belgian University of Ghent, along with a European (Erasmus Mundus) MA in Social Science with a focus on Migration Studies, coordinated by the German University of Oldenburg. He concluded academic exchanges in the EU and Middle East (University of Barcelona, Birzeit University). He is enrolled in a joint PhD program (2015-2019) in Social Anthropology at the Belgian University of KU Leuven and the Dutch University of Amsterdam, working on migration, minorities and marriage dynamics in the EU and the Arab Gulf/Dubai. He has published in e.g. Middle East Critique.
Alloul, Jaafar, 2019, Book Review of Momentous mobilities: anthropological musings on the meanings of travel by Noel B. Salazar, New York, Berghahn Books, 2018, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Open Access.
Alloul, Jaafar, 2019, ‘Can the Muhajir Speak? European Syria Fighters & the Digital Un/Making of Home’, in Fadil, Nadia, Martijn de Koning and Francesco Ragazzi (eds.), Radicalization in Belgium and the Netherlands: Critical Perspectives on Violence and Security. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 217-245. Chapter available.
Alloul, Jaafar. Mobilizing Global Skills in Dubai: European Expats Transferring Skills, Converting Capital & Remaking Race through Cross-Border Labor Migration, presentation at ‘The Question of Skills in Cross-Border Labor Mobility’ Conference (Panel: ‘Acquiring Skills 1: Navigating Boundaries and Inequalities’), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 20 September 2018.
Alloul, Jaafar. “There is No Friction Here”: Expats, Race-blending & Capital Conversions in Dubai, presentation at Conference ‘Leaving Europe: Alternative Routes of Out/Upward Mobility’, KU Leuven, Belgium, 13-14 September 2018.
Alloul, Jaafar. Chair Panel Home, Emigration & Piety Discourses on hijra, at Conference ‘Leaving Europe: Alternative Routes of Out/Upward Mobility’, KU Leuven, Belgium, 13-14 September 2018.
Alloul, Jaafar. ‘There is no friction here’: Racial Stuckedness in Europe & Status Migration to Dubai, presentation at the annual conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA): ‘Staying, Moving, Settling’ (Panel: ‘The (im)mobility of race: European perspectives’, Anthropology of Race and Ethnicity Network), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 16 August 2018.
Alloul, Jaafar. ‘Leaving Europe’ as a Strategy for Social Mobility: Mapping the ‘Status Migration’ of Second-Generation Maghrebi Minorities from Western Europe to Dubai, presentation at conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS): ‘Once on the Move, Always on the Move? Mobility after Migration’, Zentrum/Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Germany, 31 May-1 June 2018.
Alloul, Jaafar. Dubai as Heterotopia: Liminal Notes on the ‘Status Migration’ of European Maghrebi-Muslim Minority Publics to a ‘Cosmopolitan’ City, presentation at Annual Middle East Studies Association (MESA) conference (Panel: ‘Workers Across Borders: Labor, Migration, and Class’), Washington D.C., USA, 19 November 2017.
Alloul, Jaafar. Between ‘Hijra’ and ‘Expat’: Migratory Perceptions of the UAE among ‘Second Generation’ Maghrebi-Muslims in Europe, presentation at the Annual Gulf Research Meeting (GRM) (Panel: ‘The Arab Gulf in the West: Perceptions and Realities; Opportunities and Perils’), University of Cambridge, UK, 2 August 2017.
Alloul, Jaafar. Muslimness as Race in Europe: Grasping the Contours of Racial Transformation Through a Case Study on Emigration Motives of Second Generation Maghrebi-Muslims, presentation at the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) Conference (Annual theme: ‘Religion, Cooperation and Conflict in Diverse Societies’; Panel: ‘Muslims and Race in Europe’), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 6 July 2017.
Alloul, Jaafar. Redefining Home: Transnational Practices of European Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Montréal, presentation at Zayed University, Dubai Campus, 17 February 2016.
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