The tragic death of Marwa El Sherbini

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14 Responses

  1. Tessa says:

    Well observed & well written, really enjoyed reading it.

  2. Izz ad-Din says:

    Hallo meneer de Koning,

    Kent u het boek ‘Racism and the press’ van Teun van Dijk?


    Izz ad-Din

  3. martijn says:

    @Izz ad-Din,
    Ik ken het ja, een erg goed boek. Zowel op micro- als op macroniveau legt hij heel precies uit wat de relatie is tussen (geinstitutionaliseerd) racisme en de media. Het blijft wat zwak als het gaat om het leggen van verbindingen tussen micro- en macroniveau maar dat is ook erg lastig, misschien zelfs onmogelijk. Dat is ook de reden dat ik hier toch nog redelijk voorzichtig blijf. Aan de andere kant blijkt dat deze entry op mijn blog enorm hoog scoort in google. Dat ligt niet zozeer aan dit blog, maar wel aan het achterblijven van andere media en grote blogs. Vergelijk de (terecht) grote aandacht voor de anti-semitisme zaak in Frankrijk waar nu de veroordeling gevallen is, met deze zaak.

  4. mehdi dini says:

    i need video marwa sherbini please

  5. ahmad says:

    Blind eyes of major western media like BBC and CNN in Marwa al-Sherbini case raised many question about their role in conducting such event. Many Muslim believe that they are main responsible for extending racism against Islam. Removing images of this anti human case from internet had a clear message for human rights fans. THERE IS NO RESPECT TO HUMAN RIGHT IN WESTERN COUNTRIES!!! The important issue which all Muslim people should concern about it is, why we should consume western countries product?!! Doesn’t consuming German product mean ignorance about denying obvious human rights?
    When BBC and CNN want to be honest to people? Why they think that others have low intelligence and can not find the truth hided behind their false broadcasting?

  6. KafirHarby says:

    Why don’t you stop whining about this Marwa accident? I don’t hear any muslims protesting and agitating when non-muslims get killed by muslims (thousands and thousands every year all over the Western world). And secondly, is it so surprising that a man, tired of this muslim arrogance, takes the law in his own hands? This is an exception, but I expect that there will be more and more vigilantes in de near future. And don’t blame the West, blame this intolerant doctrine called islam.

  7. me says:

    Very tragic indeed, but i am irritated by the outrage in Egypt about ‘European racism’, while they treat their own minorities (like Kopts) like shit. Very hypocritical…

  8. me says:

    And also, ‘racism’ is about races, not about religion. So this word shouldn’t be used in this case.

  9. Faizan-Ul-Haq says:

    Slam to all muslims:
    All of my muslim brothers and sisters and all muslim countries should should take strict action against germany court and the security who has fired on Marwa’s husband and the person who has killed Marwa.
    Islam is just one religion who have the most rights for muslim women.
    Islam has always respect woman.
    May God show his anger to whome who hates muslim InshaAllah.
    Islam Zindaabad

  10. chocofudges says:

    For the person who said not to make such a big deal about this case since so many westerners die at the hands of muslims all over the western world, you obviously have some lack of morals. Regardless of the fact of whether she was muslim or not, do you have no sense of pity and anger that in a court of justice, where people are supposed to be safe, a pregnant women was stabbed 18 times and her husband stabbed and shot at while her three year old son watched her die? The fact that she is muslim adds even more woe to the muslim community who, unlike christians and jews, have a certain connecting ummah. A tragedy for one muslim deeply moves and affects another more than a tragedy of a christian affects a christain (though both are very very strongly affected).
    Westerners are killed by muslims only in terrorist attacks on western soil; these receive HUGE amounts of publications. I hear more stories of a homosexual man getting beaten up by another man outside a gay bar than a muslim hurting a western man in America. If you want to extend your argument to not just be limited to western soil, what exactly are westerners doing on Arabic soil? Most of them are fighting as soldiers against the countries, so the people are naturally and quite obviously going to fight back.
    If you are too close minded and greedy in your emotions to not have a sense of sympathy toward Marwa El Sherbini since “westerners get more pain” (give me a break), then you really don’t have much of a conscience. Salam

  11. chocofudges says:

    Islam is not intolerant; people’s ways of twisting it and using it for their own political purposes and powers has made it seem that way. Islam encourages women to cover themselves so that they are not thought of only for their beauty but rather for other things they do (modesty, hard work, dilligence), condemns the killing of innocent people (those who have done nothing to you), demands a certain percentage of income to go to the poor, upholds modesty, protects the orphan and children, creates certain behaviors that will protect against disease (ex. no liquor and no sex or touching before marriage), etc. Those who bomb innocent people, beat their wives, force their daughters into marriage even if they do not want to marry a person (THis is prohibited, girls have the right to say no to someone’s hand in marriage), do honor killings (prohibited since it is haram to kill another muslim unless in self defense), etc. are breaking the rules of Islam. please do not think that these poor examples of Islam represent true Islam!

  1. July 12, 2009

    […] The tragic death of Marwa El Sherbini […]

  2. July 19, 2009

    […] The tragic death of Marwa El Sherbini […]

  3. July 26, 2009

    […] The tragic death of Marwa El Sherbini […]

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