Category: Multiculti Issues


White noise: race, migration and the violent underground of democracy

Guest author Rogier van Reekum discusses Joris Luyendijk’s recent essay on migration and ‘listening to the people’. By ostentatiously ‘listening to the people’, representatives have kept on affirming that the decision on membership rest, in the end, with ‘the people’. They have left untouched the violent racialized underground of democracy.


Dutch elections syllabus – With a focus on Race, Secularism and the Nation

I have assembled a mock course syllabus that explores the deep currents of Dutch political culture with a specific focus on Race, Secularism and the Nation which coincides with my current research on the racialization of Dutch Muslims and how Muslims ‘talk back’. It does certainly not only focus on the role of radical right such as Wilders but also to how mainstream political parties cultivate and express their viewpoint of ‘Act normal or get out’.