C L O S E R Blog

Closing the week 15 – Featuring The Assassins: US vs Anwar al Awlaki 0

Closing the week 15 – Featuring The Assassins: US vs Anwar al Awlaki

A weekly round up of writings on the Internet, some relevant for my research, some political, some funny but all of them interesting (Dutch/English). (As usual to a large extent based upon suggestions from Dutch, other European, American and Middle Eastern readers. Thank you all.) This week featuring the nr.1 on the US hitlist Anwar Al Awlaki.

ISIS Conference – Studying Islam: Text and Context 0

ISIS Conference – Studying Islam: Text and Context

ISIS is a collaboration of eight Dutch universities that all attach great importance to the study of Islam. Its main aim is to combine the social scientific approach to the study of Islam, which has been greatly stimulated over the last years, with the more classical humanities approach, so that they can enhance one another. On Friday April 16th, the Interuniversity Research School for Islam Studies (ISIS) organises its opening conference ‘Studying Islam: Text and Context’.

Muslim Brotherhoods in the Netherlands 2

Muslim Brotherhoods in the Netherlands

In May 2010 the FIOE (an organization that appears to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) is organizing a conference in the Netherlands. The idea behind many of the accusations of FIOE being a Muslim Brotherhood organization is that the Muslim Brotherhood is a hierarchical organization, top down led from one centre. This explains why many of the alledged MB organizations cause so much controversy for being islamist and supporting political violence. The FIOE however, being an MB organization or not, has made some interesting contributions to the debate about and among Muslims about life in Europe.

Ik maak je dood! 0

Ik maak je dood!

De column van Malou van Hintum over Brahim die de redacteur van De Gelderlander bedreigde doet de nodige stof opwaaien omdat ze de stelling opwerpt dat hij veroordeeld is omdat hij een Marokkaanse Nederlander is. Zoveel stof dat Contradicere het nodig vond om een satirische oproep tot bedreiging van Van Hintum te plaatsen. Over taal en context.