Category: Religious and Political Radicalization

'Lekker Makkelijk' – Thierry Baudet en Generaliseren over Islam 0

'Lekker Makkelijk' – Thierry Baudet en Generaliseren over Islam

Generaliseren van islam is wel heel gemakkelijk, menen islam-wetenschappers, want dan hoeft er niet gekeken te worden naar de vele manieren waarop moslims met hun islam omgaan. Een reactie van hoogleraren en andere wetenschappers op de stelling van Thierry Baudet.

New Book: Whatever Happened to the Islamists? 0

New Book: Whatever Happened to the Islamists?

The utopian beliefs of Islamism have been irrevocably changed by the processes of modernization—especially globalization—which have taken the philosophy into unmistakable new directions. A new book: Whatever Happened to the Islamists?: Salafis, Heavy Metal Muslims, and the Lure of Consumerist Islam, edited by Amel Boubekeur and Olivier Roy. Also includes a chapter of mine on modern Dutch Salafism.

'Laughing Killer': Bouyeri and the Murder of Theo van Gogh 2

'Laughing Killer': Bouyeri and the Murder of Theo van Gogh

On 2 November 2004 Mohammed Bouyeri killed Dutch writer and film director Theo van Gogh. He shot him, slit his throat and planted a knife in his chest with a letter to Ayaan Hirsi Ali attached to it. One of the most remarkable references in his letter (and again strongly contested by other Muslims) was to the Prophet as the ‘laughing killer’. Where does it come from and what does it mean?

Closing the week 29 – Featuring Breivik: One Year After 0

Closing the week 29 – Featuring Breivik: One Year After

A weekly round up of writings on the Internet, some relevant for my research, some political, some funny but all of them interesting (Dutch/English). (As usual to a large extent based upon suggestions from Dutch, other European, American and Middle Eastern readers. Thank you all.) This week featuring one year of the mass murder by Anders Breivik in Oslo and Utoya, Norway.

Godsdienstvrijheid onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict 0

Godsdienstvrijheid onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict

Op vrijdag 1 juni wordt in Amsterdam het symposium Godsdienst onder druk? Vrijheid, angst en conflict gehouden. In mijn bijdrage, die ook zal verschijnen in het tijdschrift Religie & Samenleving, zal ik in het bijzonder ingaan op de angst voor het salafisme de hand van het begrip islamofobie in paradigma’s die we kunnen aantreffen in politiek, beleid en media en die betrekking hebben op migratie en het management van religie en in het bijzonder van moslims in Nederland.