Category: Religious and Political Radicalization


“Islands in a sea of disbelief” – Militant activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany

It took us six years, but I’m very pleased to announce that, at last, our book: Islamic Militant Activism in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany – ‘Islands in a sea of disbelief’ (Palgrave 2020)...


NBN Interview with Darryl Li on ‘The Universal Enemy Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity’ (2020)

From New Books Network: No contemporary figure is more demonized than the Islamist foreign fighter who wages jihad around the world. Spreading violence, disregarding national borders, and rejecting secular norms, so-called jihadists seem opposed...


De institutionalisering van salafisme – Een bespreking

Auteurs: Martijn de Koning (Universiteit van Amsterdam / Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) Annelies Moors (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Thijl Sunier (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam) Ongeveer twee weken geleden promoveerde Mohammad Nazar Soroush op het proefschrift ‘Institutionele...


How Dutch politicians, whilst promoting freedom and equality, decided upon a partial ban on the face veil

During a debate in Dutch Parliament in 2000 about integration policy, the social-democrats (PvdA) argued against a one-size fits all approach with regard to regulating the variety of value systems while also stating: “…with...