Category: Joy Category

Islamoloog Joas Wagemakers krijgt Erasmus studieprijs 2

Islamoloog Joas Wagemakers krijgt Erasmus studieprijs

Stichting Praemium Erasmianum kent een studieprijs toe aan het proefschrift van Joas Wagemakers, onderzoeker en docent Islam & Arabisch aan de Radboud Universiteit. Wagemakers promoveerde in november 2010 cum laude op zijn dissertatie over de Jordaanse radicaal-islamitische ideoloog Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi.

Three days of the West – What is Westernization? 1

Three days of the West – What is Westernization?

Last week in the Netherlands we had, again, a debate on young asylum seekers. It was decided that a 14-year old Afghan girl could remain in the Netherlands although their asylum request had been rejected. One of the criteria that played a role in the recent decision to let them stay is that she is ‘westernized’ over the years. The criterium of ‘Westernization’ is not defined however. Service oriented as this anthropologist is, I have decided to look into the matter of Westernization a little more closer in order to come up with a definition.

Zanga Zanga in Libya 1

Zanga Zanga in Libya

A few weeks ago Libyan leader Kadaffi gave an already famous speech in which he vowed to fight and die as a martyr. The rest of the speech was ominous but also incomprehensible. His speech appears to have become a youtube’s meme like for example Hitler’s speeches taken from the great film Der Untergang that has produced many hilarious new takes on Youtube. I will give you four here.