Category: Young Muslims

Het kan bekeren – jonge bekeerlingen 2

Het kan bekeren – jonge bekeerlingen

In Nederland zijn er, naar schatting, ongeveer 12.000 autochtone bekeerlingen tot de islam. Er zijn natuurlijk ook nog andere etnische groepen waar mensen zich bekeren tot de islam, maar voorzover ik weet zijn daar geen cijfers van. Er is in Nederland niet zo heel veel onderzoek verricht naar bekeerlingen. ***UPDATED***

Tariq Ramadan controversy: Moulding Muslim leaders 1

Tariq Ramadan controversy: Moulding Muslim leaders

Even if Ramadan made all those controversial statements, why wouldn’t he be the right man for a dialogue? In fact it appears now that the frequent attacks on him are more dangerous for his position as a person for dialogue than his statements. In particular because he is not only under attack from Dutch secularists and anti-islamists but also from radical groups who oppose his cooperation with Dutch authorities and his statements about homosexuality and his call for a moratorium on corporate punishment. According to these critics Ramadan sells himself to the Dutch authorities which inevitable means that he will have to adjust (in their view dilute) the Islamic message. Their interpretation seems to be correct due to this controversy.

Religie en het publieke domein 0

Religie en het publieke domein

Afgelopen week werd het rapport religie en het publieke domein gepresenteerd. Dit rapport, samengesteld door het Instituut voor Publiek en Politiek (IPP) en het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, heeft als doel de juridische grenzen van de scheiding kerk-staat weer te geven en roept in feite gemeenten op hier pragmatisch mee om te gaan.

ISET Working Paper Series: Identity in transition. Connecting online and offline internet practices of Moroccan-Dutch Muslim youth 1

ISET Working Paper Series: Identity in transition. Connecting online and offline internet practices of Moroccan-Dutch Muslim youth

ISET aims to bring an interdisciplinary approach to research questions arising from transformations taking place across Europe and in Europe’s relations with the wider world. The ISET Working Paper Series presents works in progress,...

ISIM Review available online 0

ISIM Review available online

ISIM Review 22, Autumn 2008 is out and available online. As usual very interesting articles which are relevant for  my research, to name but a few: Jews and Others in Iraq / Sami Zubaida...