On the blog of Cultural Anthropology a really great post by our colleague Jasman Rana: Sports: Provocation – Feminizing Fighting Sports? She participated in Thai-/kickboxing sessions with young Moroccan-Dutch girls: Continue reading Jasmijn Rana – Sports: Provocation Feminizing Fighting Sports?
Week 5 in 10 Bullets
The week in 10 Bullets: Continue reading Week 5 in 10 Bullets
Art, Activism or Vandalism
Interview with Muslim Feminist and Activist Miriam
This is Miriam and she has been a vegan for almost 10 years. This interview was done on 4/26/2013
Introduction to Foucault
In this video, Professor Thorsby gives a conceptual tour of Foucault’s essay on “Governmentality” and the first chapter of Discipline and Punish, ‘The Body of the Condemned’
Rebellen zonder doel
We zien ze als vandalen maar zijn rellende jongeren niet eigenlijk politieke gevangenen? Continue reading Rebellen zonder doel
How to act, if at all?
Dutch Salafi Muslims adopt different styles of activism that blur the binary opposition between the secular and the religious.