Turkey and The Netherlands ‘mutual agreement to withdraw’ head of Diyanet from the Netherlands

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that Turkey has recalled the head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Türkiye Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı or short Diyanet) organisation in the Netherlands after accusations of informing the Turkish state about Dutch citizens opposing the Turkish government. A few weeks ago the Turkish daily Hürriyet revealed that the Diyanet gathered intelligence and prepared reports on alleged Gülenists in several countries including the Netherlands. The files included photos of individuals allegedly linked to the Gülen movement.

In a press release the Dutch diyanet Islamitische Stichting Nederland (ISN) denied the accusations and stated that no visitor of mosques, no board member and no imam has been requested to provide intelligence or has reached out to ISN. They repeated this two days later in a new press release. However, the head of the Diyanet in the Netherlands, Yusuf Acar, stated on 14 December on Dutch TV (after accusations in the Dutch daily Telegraaf) that he (and only he) gathered public information and that he ‘drew up a list based on information available on the Internet […] by searching for “Holland Fetö”.’ Fetö stands for ‘Fethullah Terrorist Organisation’; used by the Turkish state to refer to Hizmet or the Gülen movement. Allegedly, the list includes several members of the Christian Democratic party CDA, which has a large Turkish membership. CDA leader Sybrand Buma has demanded Acar be deported. ‘This is a bizarre and unacceptable way for a member of the embassy staff to behave.’

The Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs, Koenders, then summoned Acar, who is also the Turkish ambassador in the Netherlands, to make clear this was unacceptable. ‘We’re going to ask for clarification about this. In addition, we are going to engage with the Turkish authorities and the Diyanet organization in Ankara. That’s part of our policy of challenging every incident that concerns the “long arm” with our Turkish counterparts.’

In a letter to the Dutch Parliament Koenders stated that handing over such information to the Turkish authorities ‘is an undesirable and unacceptable form of interference in the lives of Dutch citizens by a diplomatic representative.’ In this letter Koenders also stated that in the meeting with Acar, they reaced ‘a mutual agreement to withdraw’ Acar from the Netherlands.

In recent years the Diyanet has been heavily criticized in the Netherlands for being an agent of the Turkish state, mixing religion with politics and hindering integration in the Netherlands by emphasizing loyalty of Turkish-Dutch citizens to Turkey and by not having Dutch speaking imams.

“You Need to Present a Counter-Message”| The Racialisation of Dutch Muslims and Anti-Islamophobia Initiatives

I’m very happy to announce that my article on the work of the Dutch anti-Islamophobia networks (as part of our project Forces that bind or divide) has been published in the Journal of Muslims in Europe: “You Need to Present a Counter-Message”| The Racialisation of Dutch Muslims and Anti-Islamophobia Initiatives Continue reading “You Need to Present a Counter-Message”| The Racialisation of Dutch Muslims and Anti-Islamophobia Initiatives

Press release Dutch mosques and imams: ‘No more unregistered Islamic marriages’

Five Dutch mosques and eight Dutch imams have released a press statement in which they ask Dutch Muslims to no longer have unregistered marriages. According to Dutch law religious marriages are allowed provided that they are preceded by an official marriage at the public registar. The statement comes after a Dutch undercover journalist showed that the Al-Raza mosque in Almere is prepared to conduct a marriage after the couple informed the imam they did not have a civic marriage. Also examples of polygamous marriages were shown in the TV program Undercover Nederland yesterday.

The statement reads: (my translation, see below):

Een moslim heeft zich te houden aan de wetten van het land waar hij woont. Dat geldt ook voor zaken die betrekking hebben op het huwelijk. Als de Nederlandse wet voorschrijft dat een religieuze plechtigheid pas mag plaatsvinden als het huwelijk ten overstaan van de ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand is voltrokken, dan moet de moslim zich hieraan houden.

Naast het naleven van de wet, borgt een contractuele vastlegging van het huwelijk bij de rechtmatige autoriteit ook de rechten van de man en de vrouw. Dit is erg belangrijk gezien de nadelige gevolgen die een niet-geregistreerd huwelijk soms kan hebben voor een echtpaar, in het bijzonder voor de vrouw.

De Islam heeft als doel het bewaken van de eer en het beschermen van de rechten van mensen. Omdat deze zaken in onze tijd alleen opeisbaar zijn als ze officieel vastgelegd zijn bij een ambtelijk apparaat, is het verplicht om dit te doen. Het islamitische basisprincipe luidt ook ‘dat wat nodig is om een verplichting na te komen, is ook verplicht’.

Wij hebben de afgelopen jaren gezien en gehoord wat de gevolgen kunnen zijn van huwelijken die niet vastgelegd zijn bij de burgerlijke stand. Vrouwen die gevangen zitten in situaties waar zij niet voor gekozen hebben. Schrijnende verhalen van mishandeling, uitbuiting en misbruik. Dit alles omdat sommige mannen Allah niet vrezen en de rechten van hun vrouwen niet respecteren.

Daarom vragen wij beleefd doch dringend aan de moskeeën en imams in Nederland om geen islamitische huwelijken meer te sluiten voordat zij een document hebben gezien waaruit blijkt dat het huwelijk tussen betrokkenen geregistreerd staat bij de burgerlijke stand. Ook vragen wij van de overheid om met islamitische organisaties en moslimvertegenwoordigers bij elkaar te komen om op korte termijn een oplossing te vinden voor dit probleem.

Stichting as-Soennah, Den Haag
De blauwe moskee, Amsterdam
Omar Alfarouk moskee, Utrecht
Essalam moskee, Rotterdam
Centrum de Middenweg, Rotterdam
Imam Aboe Ismail
Imam Yassin Elforkani
Imam Rachid Nafi
Imam Azzedine Karrat
Imam Ahmed Talib
Imam Said Tissoudali
Imam Remy Soekirman
Imam Ilyaas Arrachied

My translation, in English:

A Muslim has to abide by the law of the country where he lives. This also pertains to matters related to marriage. If the Dutch law requires that a religious ceremony can only be held if the marriage is conducted by the civil registrar, a Muslim has to abide by this.

Besides complying with the law, a contracted marriage with the legitimate authority safeguards the rights of husband and wife. This is very important given the adverse effects a non-registered marriage may have sometimes for a couple, in the particular the wife.

The goal of Islam is to safeguard the honour and to protect the rights of humans. Because these are only claimable when they are officially registered by a civil service, this is a duty. The Islamic principle also says: ‘What is necessary to uphold a duty, is also a duty’.

In recent years we have seen the potential consequences of marriages not registered by the civil registrar. Women who captive in situations they did not choose to be in. Harrowing stories of mistreatment, exploitation and abuse. All of this because some men do not fear Allah and do not respect the rights of their wives.

Therefore, we urgently but politely ask the mosques and imams in the Netherlands not to conduct Islamic marriages anymore before they have seen a document that states that the marriage is registered at the public registrar. We also ask the state to meet with the Islamic organisations and Muslim representatives soon, to find a solution for this problem.

Stichting as-Soennah, Den Haag
De blauwe moskee, Amsterdam
Omar Alfarouk moskee, Utrecht
Essalam moskee, Rotterdam
Centrum de Middenweg, Rotterdam
Imam Aboe Ismail
Imam Yassin Elforkani
Imam Rachid Nafi
Imam Azzedine Karrat
Imam Ahmed Talib
Imam Said Tissoudali
Imam Remy Soekirman
Imam Ilyaas Arrachied

Press release coalition anti-Islamophobia organisations – The situation for Muslims in Europe is getting worse: Time to act

Press Statement
The situation for Muslims in Europe is getting worse:
Time to act

Brussels, 21 September 2016 – On the European Day Against Islamophobia, a coalition of organisations fighting Islamophobia call on EU leaders and decision makers to tackle rising anti-Muslim hatred as a matter of urgency. Continue reading Press release coalition anti-Islamophobia organisations – The situation for Muslims in Europe is getting worse: Time to act

Jaarrapport ‘Meld Islamofobie’: Toename Islamofoob Geweld Na Aanslagen Parijs in 2015

Meld Islamofobie is vorig jaar januari opgericht na de aanslagen op Charlie Hebdo en de Joodse supermarkt. Vandaag presenteert ze haar jaarrapport 2015. Hieronder het persbericht:
Continue reading Jaarrapport ‘Meld Islamofobie’: Toename Islamofoob Geweld Na Aanslagen Parijs in 2015

Report: Islamophobia in Europe

Two weeks ago the European Islamophobia Report was published by SETA, a Turkish think thank. According to the report (executive summary)

Islamophobia or anti-Muslim racism poses a growing threat to the democratic foundations of European constitutions and social peace as well as the coexistence of different cultures throughout Europe. Both civil society actors and states should acknowledge the seriousness of this issue and develop concrete policies to counter Islamophobia.

There is a general report and a long list of country reports including the Netherlands. Continue reading Report: Islamophobia in Europe

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